Saturday, July 19, 2008

Still here

I'm still around and kicking . . . or scooping, as the case may be. This is the busiest season for the ice cream shop, so I'm working lots and lots of extra hours. The positive, saving lots of $$$ for expenses this fall (including a little yarn shopping, I hope). The negative, little crafting time.

I have been plugging away at a pair of socks as an anniversary gift for hubby. We celebrated 21 years of marriage this week but the increased work schedule prevented me from finishing the socks before the big day. I'm turning the heels right now and am heading into the cuffs, so hopefully, hubby will have a new pair of socks by Monday or Tuesday.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is having a beautiful summer.


Sheepish Annie said...

It seems a shame to be spending the summer working so much...but it's all for a good cause and the extra dollars will surely be appreciated. Meanwhile, just think about how wonderful it will be when things slow down and you have the time to do all those crafty things again...

Guinifer said...

All I can think is how your hands must ache at the end of the day...

sheep#100 said...

Glad you are able to be socking away the extra income. People so often live above their means these days - it is refreshing to meet someone else who is not.