I think you can see where I'm going with this post.
Here, I've been kicking myself around the house, up the stairs and through the stash for the inability to finish some of the UFO's hanging around the manse. Although I had thumbed through the latest IK on arrival, I hadn't gotten around to reading it, cover to cover, as is my wont. Imagine the "doh" moment when I read this quote yesterday.
Fate managed to underscore my newfound freedom by allowing this little package to arrive today. It contains the yarn for a Vintage Gopher Hockey Sweater I'm making as part of a KAL on Ravelry. I also picked up some heavily discounted cotton yarn for a new summer sweater for myself."Whatever you do, refuse to make yourself a hostage to the undone. Release yourself from the tyranny of a timetable whenever you can. Enjoy the creative flow of having many knitting projects going simultaneously, just as you enjoy a car ride without worrying about each individual moving part."
Vive la nouveauté!
Like I said before - I am really looking forward to seeing that vintage hockey sweater.
Stay focused if you want. Start a bunch of new things if you want. It's all good. This is for fun -- no guilt!
Like I always say: it's a hobby! If it's fun or charging you up creatively then whatever you're doing is OK.
So my UFO's can be relabeled as 'my many ongoing works in progress'!!! I am SO EXCITED about this.
Be sure to post progress pics of that cool sweater project!!
PS. did you see the pond hockey show on PBS!? fabby!
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