(No animals were harmed in the production of this photograph - although the cats may disagree, citing extreme embarrassment and emotional distress over being forced into jingle bell collars and ridiculous reindeer antler hats. Our official response to their formal complaints of animal cruelty has been, "Suck it up, quit'cher whining and get in the spirit . . . or no Christmas presents for you!" I'll keep you posted on the results of the subsequent lawsuit being filed on their behalf by bleeding heart animal activists.)
Sheesh, like no one's ever been forced to wear ridiculous Christmas items by overly holiday-spirited parents.
Never mind that! How'd you get them to sit side by side like that without loss of life or limb?
And season's greetings to you too, Lorraine.
I can't even fathom how you managed to get that pic. Watch your back -- you know they are plotting their revenge!
I thought about dressing up the cats. They filed an injunction before I got to far with that, though...
Merry Christmas to you and yours and may the day be a joyous one for all! Especially the kitties who should get an extra catnip mouse to help ease the trauma.
hee hee hee! I love it!
Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to you and yours!
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