Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bad blogger - no cookie today

I have a FO to report, but once again, no photos. The weather here has been gloomy, rainy and blah. Not good photo taking weather. Since my camera is just not good with dim lighting, you will be forced to endure a photoless posting.

I debated trying to take a dimly lit picture of my new yellow tank top and calling it Sunshine on a Gloomy Afternoon but thought it just wouldn't fly. Although the tank fits nicely, the color is pretty bright and it really will look better on me when I've developed a bit of a tan and can wear it with shorts. As for now, it makes me look like a bit peaked and sick. But perhaps that's because I am a bit peaked and sick, having contracted a mild case of the squirrel pox this week.

Which has left me feeling a bit blah in the blog fodder department. It has been spring break around here, so I've spent lots of time off of regular school work but nothing coherent or post-worthy seems to have inspired me to post. Just lots of random stuff has been flitting around in my mind. So perhaps the bullet-point post that some have started using on occasion might fit this situation. Here goes:

* Monday - I finally washed that gray out of my hair. I spent a lovely morning with close friend getting my hair cut and colored. We haven't been able to spend nearly as much time together lately, both being incredibly busy with growing families, so it was a good time of catching up, as well as taking care of these increasingly gray locks of mine.

* Tuesday - Drove the older kids to their classes (spring breaks did not coincide between our homeschool and the homeschool tutoring classes) and spent a nice hour at a coffee cafe knitting on some socks and listening to jazz. Since my DH worked from home, I didn't have to take the little girls and I was free to take a little time for myself. Very peaceful.

* Wednesday - Spent the day at the Mall of America at Underwater Adventures with the kids. It had been years since we'd visited this attraction and DD#3 had never been there. We had a delightful time looking at the exhibits and had a fun lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, capped off with a birthday dessert to celebrate DD#2's 8th birthday this week.

* Thursday - Squirrel pox strikes and I spent most of the day in bed with a low-grade fever and the sniffles. Since we had homeschool academy the next day, healing was the primary focus of the day, so I just stayed in bed and knit most of the day. As my reward, Sunshine Tank was finished.

* Friday - At our Homeschool Academy, I was a substitute in the Math Games class and had a blast playing some games with five teenage boys. What a fun group. I also am an assistant in a science experiment class, where we made homemade paper and experimented with inertia by crashing cars with GI Joes on them into each other. What a mess we made but what a great time was had by all. Who says learning can't be fun.

* Saturday - Now I have a weeks worth of laundry and housecleaning piled up and preparations to make for school next week, as well as stuff to prepare for Easter, Awana, the upcoming homeschool convention and dance recitals that are fast approaching. I've enjoyed my rather relaxing week but the old grindstone is calling and my nose is already twitching.

I think I could use another week off.


Sheepish Annie said...

My spring break is still two weeks away and I'm really feeling the engergy slump right now. Why Maine has such a gap between school breaks is just beyond me...

Glad you're feeling a bit better. But I shudder to think that you might be denying yourself a cookie right now! I know a lot about the squirrel pox and you must feed it cookies. Get thee to a bakery!!!!

livnletlrn said...

That squirrel pox'll get you every time. At least you have a FO to show for it. Given the yarn messes that are passing for my knitting lately, maybe a mild case of squirrel pox is exactly what I need.

And I'm in agreement with S.A.: cookies are the cure for whatever ails you.

Guinifer said...

Squirrel pox, huh? Maybe THAT is what I picked up on the flight to New Mexico, huh? We thought maybe it was the Monkey Pox...

You must be a busy bee - only one new post while I was on vaca! Can that yellow tank warm it up a little bit around here?