Saturday, December 16, 2006

FO Follow-up Photos

As promised, here are the pictures of today's progress. Four pairs of slippers embellished and Celtic Christmas being quilted. I am also sneaking a few rows in on Fetching for DD#1 when she's otherwise occupied and working on yet another pair of slippers for a nephew.
The photo of the sleeping cat is completely gratuitous. She is thorougly enjoying my pain because she gets to sit on my lap for hours. When I slipped out from under my lap blanket to get the camera, she didn't flinch and she managed to sleep through the entire photo shoot, too. What a snuggle-puss!
Well, back to work. So far, the meds are helping, as are the prayers, I'm sure. I am up and moving with a little more freedom. But there is so much left to do in the 9 remaining days until Christmas. Ho, ho, ho, oh I'm so tired.


Guinifer said...

Amazing how you manage to look on the bright side. It's so much harder when you're in pain. I hope your back starts to feel better soon. Stay hopeful it will be gone soon!!

Guinifer said...

Did I mention the slippers really are very lovely?