Monday, January 01, 2007

Snow at last!

What is a Minnesota winter without snow? Nothing. I have a friend who is a Cross Country ski coach. Can you imagine trying to train a team for cross country skiing without snow? But yesterday afternoon, the rain finally, FINALLY changed over to snow and we got a good amount. The kidlets are happy and ready to go roll and dig and play. Oh, what a peaceful beginning for my New Year. I'm feeding the crew and sending them out to play as soon as possible. Woohoo!
Resolutions for the new year? Well, it's been the same one for years. Finish 3 UFO's before beginning something new. Since dieting, exercise, changing the world, solving world hunger, or other more lofty resolutions have always ended up being tossed aside before the end of January, I've opted for the more reasonable, but not less challenging goal of clearing out a few old projects.
The challenge of this resolution is compounded by the fact that I have received some Christmas money, which tempts me beyond what most non-knitting mortals can understand to buy new materials, which will lead, in turn, to an insatiable desire to cast-on with the new acquisition. I have also in my stash several recent additions (namely Shimmer and some lovely purple alpaca I plan to make some fingerless mitts out of) that are enticing me to set aside my most ardent promises to eliminate a few of the guilt-ridden items collecting dust in the UFO pile.
But I am resolved. Three UFO's will be finished before any new projects are started. I've done it before, I can do it again. With my hand on my heart, I hereby swear to keep my promise, in front of all these cyber-witnesses. So help me, Blog!


Sheepish Annie said...

You have resolve beyond mine, that's for sure! I'm pretty sure at this point that I will be buried with some of my UFOs. Or under them...

Enjoy the snow; makes for a great knitting day!

livnletlrn said...

You got snow?! Here in CT, it's nuthin' but rain so far. Blech. I'm kind of high on a series of FOs lately, so I'm rolling with that momentum. Having fun checking projects off the mental list and rediscovering the options open to me with some previously purchased supplies.

One big UFO is this crazy old house we've been renovating x 12 years. I took a big step yesterday in hooking up with somebody who does upholstery and will re-do a sofa and loveseat for us. This clears the way for fresh paint, a new coat of polyurethane on the floors, new window treatments and rugs. Man, that'll feel GOOD!

Guinifer said...

Isn't that snow lovely? We were in Wisconsin and that rain was the pits! But then! We had to come home just when it got beautiful.

I've wrestled with the blog etiquette as well. I just try to head back to commenter's blogs and return the effort!

PS - The STR is lovely!