Tuesday, December 04, 2007

FO for Christmas

As promised, here is a quick snapshot of some gifts for Bubba (DD#2). She loves purple and this heathered worsted weight acrylic from TLC is the perfect shade of lavender to suit her purple passion but still look great with jeans. I found the pattern at e-Patterns. It is a book you can download directly from their site. I have to admit that there were several glaring errors in their pattern and were it not such a simple sweater shape and I hadn't been such an experienced knitter, I would have found this pattern very frustrating. However, several of the designs were charming and I've been trying to encourage the girls to play with their American Girl dolls a little more before they outgrow playing with dolls completely. The doll patterns alone made the price of the book well worth it to me, even if I do have to do some editing and pattern revamping.

Peeps' sweater is well advanced and should be finished before the end of the week. The doll sweater only took about 4 hours of knitting, so that should fly off the needles in the near future as well. If only all my Christmas gift knitting could go so quickly.

Dancing Diva managed to snap this photo during Bubba's "recess" yesterday. Her favorite bear was obliging enough to model it for us, although I think he objected a bit to squeezing his big head through the neckline.

In hockey news, the boys lost their last two district games 2-3. It's been a disappointing hockey week but my philosophy is better to lose early in the season than late. They are battling hard but the bounces seem to be going against them at the moment.

On the cat battlefront, we've had a couple of snuggle sessions between the cats but only after we've thoroughly worn Harley out before letting him in with Koda. She continues to object strenuously to Harley's rather rough overtures to play but she's getting a little less vocal as time goes on. What is humorous, though, is she will get incredibly playful herself, after watching the Wild Thing play for awhile. Not playful with him but with his toys. It's suddenly like having two kittens in the house.

"See, Mommy, I can be cute, too!"


Guinifer said...

He just needed to be reminded to play, he forgot with his busy kitty schedule!

Hockeyman has all season to get better than the last game - he can do it! GO HM!

Rani said...

Snuggle session! That's huge! We had a male and female that NEVER even came close to that. Good sign.

I'm sending good vibes to Hockey team! They'll take a lickin' but keep on tickin', right!?

The sweaters are lovely! And how cute is that to do one for the little doll, too! You rock, L!!!

Sheepish Annie said...

I found that Desdemona became much more lively when Persephone and her wild ways were introduced to the household. Quite funny!!

Love the new sweater. I'm glad that you were able to figure out the pattern and come up with such a cute result!