Friday, December 01, 2006

No hockey tournament for me :-(

My family drew names (at last), so now I know the last two people I need to finish gifts for. So I'm knitting away, frantically, stressedly, hurriedly . . .

I'm sad, too. Two of my girls got sick late this week. So plans changed and it was decided I needed to stay home with the girls. So I didn't push and do all the stuff I would normally have done to get ready to go on the trip to my DS's hockey tournament this weekend. Then DS got sick and it seemed as though none of us would go. It was depression central around here last night. Then this morning, the girls were much better, DS got better but my work was not complete enough to get everyone ready to go. So off DH and DS went to the tournament and home I stayed with the girls. No hockey, no new knit shop to explore, no hotels to clean up after us, restaurants to cook for us, just more knitting for Christmas and chores galore. Bah Humbug!

So out will come all the sappy chick flicks in my DVD collection and I am going to get all weepy and girly this weekend and knit my heart out. And if I get some decent light tomorrow, I'll post some pictures of the birthday present my Dad's money bought for me. It's too yummy for words. I'm still searching for the perfect pattern for it. And hopefully I'll have some Christmas gift progress to post as well. In the meantime, heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to knit I go . . .


Guinifer said...

I hope you have a fun girlie weekend! Get lots of rest and go explore the old knit shops!

Anonymous said...

You know...this might be something of a blessing in disguise. You've been running yourself out straight for a while now. Perhaps a quiet weekend is just what you needed?

I hope that you have a nice girl-fest! Fun can be had!