Uhh, guess the well-laid plans of this particular mouse/man didn't get carried out. No sewing time, no cleaning time, no progress whatsoever to report for Sewing Room Friday. Picture deja vu?
Maybe next week . . .
In the meantime, knitting news: Lucky Hockey Socks '07 are nearing completion. A few hours of work and these babies will be on my feet for the next scrimmage on Sunday.
There is also an itchy, twitchy feelin' in the tips of my fingers. The sweater mojo may be on the loose, as I've developed a strong hankerin' to get a couple of these sweaters a goin' again. Don't know which one, yet, but as soon as LHS '07 are off the needles, I'll let the sweaters do the courtin' and tell me which one gets to jump to the head of the line. Or maybe I'll just play the field and fiddle around with all three. Whatever . . . I'm just glad to have that sweater mojo back in my life. (I'm feeling a little bit country today - hear the twang?)
I missed ya', darlin' mojo.
We had our first hockey scrimmage in New Prague on Tuesday - it was a great game - tied 4-4. So maybe you can fill me in - Puck is playing Peewee C for the first time (so-the first time they are allowed to check), this NP team would turn their backs when they saw a check coming and we incurred THREE majors for back checking - what the heck? I mean, it was obvious. Is that accepted/common practice? Our kids were furious (probably why they came from behind to tie up the game.)
Oh! and, we want the sweaters! Give that old mojo a kick start, would you?
Goodness! When you get that mojo back, you certainly do it up big! Congrats on the new inspiration.
Yes! Go for the sweater!
Funny how it goes in cycles like that. Sort of like life. Our calendar has been in high gear for a while, and I was lovin' all the good stuff in those days. Now it's settling wayyyy down for the winter and I'm equally delighted with that. As long as we all enjoy the ride...
Happy knitting!
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